Pandemic Resilience on Campus

drone view of college campus

Our twenty-first white paper is “Pandemic Resilience on Campus,” by Rajiv Sethi, Rachel Narehood Austin, Divya Siddarth, Jacob Austin, Julie Seager, and Hannah Yoo. Abstract A college campus is a quintessential congregate environment with crowded and bustling living and learning spaces, vulnerable to rapid contagion. Yet online education as currently conceived is a poor substitute […]

Who Is Dying, and Why?

angel statue

Our nineteenth COVID-19 white paper is, “Who Is Dying, and Why?” by Rajiv Sethi, Divya Siddarth, Nia Johnson, Brandon Terry, Julie Seager, Mary Travis Bassett, and Meredith Rosenthal. Abstract It is commonly asserted, with some justification, that viruses do not recognize social boundaries. And yet the statistics on the demographics of those afflicted and felled by […]

Mitigate/Suppress/ Maintain: Local Targets for Victory Over COVID

target with bullseye arrow

The sixteenth white paper in our ongoing COVID series is, “Mitigate/Suppress/Maintain: Local Targets for Victory Over COVID,” by Divya Siddarth, Marie-Laurie Charpignon, Dean Foster, Kazumi Hoshino, Sham Kakade, John C. Langford, Nicolás Della Penna, Rajiv Sethi, Sema K. Sgaier, Peter Smittenaar, Nicholas Stewart, and E. Glen Weyl. Abstract There is growing consensus around a strategy […]

Towards Global Pandemic Resilience

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This paper considers varied experiences with tackling the pandemic, with particular focus on three regions — India, Africa, and Latin America — that are collectively home to forty percent of the world’s population. These regions face several challenges to adopting the testing, tracing, and supported isolation (TTSI) roadmap that we have proposed for the United States. We reflect on alternative policy trajectories that can help us transition back to work and social activity while safeguarding human lives worldwide.

Mobilizing the Political Economy for COVID-19

harvard capus

Our third white paper examining wider questions of the pandemic’s impact on policy is “Mobilizing the Political Economy for COVID-19,” by E. Glen Weyl and Rajiv Sethi. Abstract COVID-19 threatens every aspect of global society.  Addressing it requires a full mobilization of our political economy.  This contrasts with a typical “endogenous” recession arising from internal […]

Securing Justice, Health, and Democracy
against the COVID-19 Threat

legislative chamber

The first white paper examining the impact of the pandemic on democracy is Securing Justice, Health, and Democracy against the COVID-19 Threat, by Danielle Allen, Lucas Stanczyk, I. Glenn Cohen, Carmel Shachar, Rajiv Sethi, Glen Weyl, and Rosa Brooks. You can also find Danielle Allen’s associated op-ed in the Washington Post, “America Needs to Be on a War Footing,” […]